
Fountain of Truth

     It's not a diary, it is a journal. This is the phrase that I have often repeated to those clueless to the art of journaling. However, here is an excerpt from a college admittance essay to explain how obsessive I am with keeping my journals:
     "The idea of a full journal fuels my tendency to write in any spare moment given at school. When the teacher is done with lectures and notes (and admittedly sometimes when they aren’t) I am known to be furiously scribbling my thoughts onto a blank page. I have prescribed time formulas for finishing my books so that I have one for each school year. I only write in black ink, in cursive. I insist that I only write in journals and not diaries. If I abandon the notebook I am currently working in to write in a new one, it feels like I am having an affair......"
     "....My free moments are spent putting pen to paper because I always have intricate thoughts running through my head. I am more of an observer than a talker in certain company, but I say what I need to with ink. My incredibly specific regulations on journals reveal my love of consistency and harmony in everything that I do. I write in cursive because I enjoy dedicating labor and time to the things that I love most. When I must fill a notebook to the very last page, I show my dedication to every project that I attempt."

What about you, visitors and readers? Do you chronicle your daily thoughts or life's happenings in any way?

1 comment:

Francesca said...

i don't keep journals. i guess my blog is my form of journal hehe

F. (opinionslave.blogspot.com) x

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