
Splurge vs. Save: White Camp Shirt

     I am definitely of the belief that if pieces make you happy, not only should you buy them in multiple colors, but you should also invest in high quality versions to make sure they last. My recent obsession with camp shirts stems from the 100% silk blouse that I found at a thrift store, shown here. Ideally, I could hunt down similar shirts in a plethora of colors while thrifting. However, upon searching for a shirt of the same style in white, I've decided it's probably time to face the facts and just go retail. For something that I will wear so often, I'd love to invest in the higher quality material; but as a person who enjoys the "just see how much will fit into a single load" philosophy of laundry, I don't realistically see myself getting the Blythe blouse dry cleaned. 
     If I end up taking the plunge and actually buying a similar blouse, I'll let you know what I've decided. But for now, I want to know what you'd do: splurge or save?

Ed: Thanks to the anonymous reader who pointed out that Equipment blouses refer to the brand which has blouses of a similar style!


  1. I think because this is a staple, everyday piece and not a party dress I would splurge because it'll probably be better quality and you'll get a lot of wear out of it, but that's just me :) I love J. Crew but I don't think we have it in the UK!

    La Vie Quotidienne

  2. I agree with Louisa ^^ :) The blouse would be a piece I would use all the time to layer, or plain with jeans, the options are endless. I would probably just splurge on it- J.Crew has really good quality stuff! Just wait for it to go on sale!

  3. watch ebay. those blythe blouses come up fairly reliably for $50 or less. i also found one in a buffalo e a few weeks ago for $20. also - maybe this was implied in your post - but pretty sure the term "equipment blouse" that you're using is a reference to the brand Equipment, and their actual blouses run a couple hundred bucks - so even the blythe looks like a steal by that standard!


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