
Family Affair

Cable knit sweater, vintage. High collared lace blouse (underneath), Urban Outfitters (old). Printed cords, Anthropologie. Heeled desert booties, Forever 21. Hat, vintage from my dad. Mini 5 zip bag, Rebecca Minkoff (no longer available in color pictured).

     These pictures prove two things to me. That my dad has pretty great taste in what he keeps around. And that I will always prefer fall scenery and wardrobe choices over any other season. 
      First of all, I was wearing the outfit sans awesome hat when I came over to my dad's house. I had an interview for a super exciting internship with a fashion company that day, so I thought that the outfit was the perfect balance of casual and professional. I know, most companies probably wouldn't consider printed cord leggings professional, but the office was definitely more on the casual side. I made the right choice of outfit. However, I didn't add the hat until I was taking pictures later that day. I'm glad I did! In fact, the hat is currently on my traveling adventures with me, so hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of me in it. Thanks Dad!
     Secondly, the fall colors. The warm orange color on the cords definitely steers this outfit more towards fall territory. I know the same ensemble could be done in more wintry colors, but at this point I'm not even sure what that would look like. I do like the pale, fresh blues and bright reds of spring and summer (are those warm weather colors for anyone else?); but I mostly abhor pastels of any variety. Pink usually makes me eyes hurt. So, autumnal colors like mustard, burgundy, burnt orange, and emerald rule my wardrobe for most of the year.
     One last note, my 5-zip mini bag from Rebecca Minkoff was a bit of an impulse buy from the Zappos Black Friday sale. But boy, am I glad I snagged it (and at almost 50% off to boot!). I've worn the purse essentially every day since it came in the mail. It matches my school backpack. And I've quickly learned that the shade of green it is goes with everything and is a new favorite for sure. Long live small purses that can quickly fit into carry on luggage, too! It's seriously a must have for anyone who travels a lot.
     When this is posted, I'll be en route to Wales. Hope everyone has a lovely week!


~ K said...

At first I thought your leggings were leopard print and I wasn't so sure. But then I realised they weren't and the yare actually really great looking. (That's not an insult btw)

I really love autumn colours too, I aways need more in my wardrobe. They are just too good.

Enjoy your trip to Wales!


aparat de sudura said...

Yuo look awesome! I like so much your trousers and your purse!!!!

Wrzos said...

Wow, your style is great!
Nice hat and boots. :)

Ester Durães said...

that hat suits you so well! love it :)
Ester @ Drawing Dreaming

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