
A Painterly Life

Floral midi skirt, white tee shirt, ballet flats, all thrifted. Vintage Dooney & Bourke purse. Birdwatcher necklace, Frock Stock. 

    Generally, when it comes to my minuscule home town, I hear more complaints than praises. But I think that people forget that we have some seriously beautiful and unique treasures to explore. With very few exceptions, almost all of my outfit pictures have been taken at local spots that do the job just perfectly. I was so happy that I remembered this mural on the back of a revamped restaurant in one of the most historic parts of our town. And I was even happier that I matched it perfectly.


Sunday Shopping Guide: Dear Suzy, When?

(Images via ANTWRANGLER and Focus)

     Moonrise Kingdom is an example of a film that I want to cultivate into part of my personality. I've always thought about the movies that I watch and the books that I read as more of a part of my soul than just a way to pass the time. That being said, I obviously don't take going to the movies lightly. There's nothing wrong with kicking back and enjoying a nice, easygoing film, but I definitely prefer to spend my money and time on something that will be meaningful for years to come. 
      Wes Anderson's latest wasn't just some "hipster" bait, as many of the negative YouTube comments tried to point on on the trailer. Rather, it was a great story of innocence, love, and an escape for more than just the characters in the movie. I saw it in an old theatre on a trip to Atlanta (I took the trip specifically for the movie; however, my mom happened to be going on business travel so there was really no extra expense). 
      Overall, every time I try to think of reasons why you should see Moonrise Kingdom, I keep coming up with the same one. Why not see it?
Happiness at just seeing the poster :).

     I know it isn't terribly hard to emulate the 1960s style of the female lead, Suzy (played by Kara Hayward), but I still thought it would be fun to do some modern picks of what she might wear today. Although I'd definitely wear the outfit, I have to say that my favorite part is the book that I've chosen for her to read. It fits the description of the types of books that she looks for (you can see the animated shorts here) perfectly.


Be ready, heart, for parting


As every flower fades and as all youth
Departs, so life at every stage,
So every virtue, so our grasp of truth,
Blooms in its day and may not last forever.
Since life may summon us at every age
Be reader, heart, for parting, new endeavor,
Be ready bravely and without remorse
To find new light that old ties cannot give.
In all beginnings dwells a magic force
For guarding us and helping us to live. 
Serenely let us move to distance places
And let sentiments of home detain us. 

The Cosmic Spirit seeks not to restrain us
But lifts us stage by stage to wider spaces.
If we accept a home of our own making,
Familiar habit makes for indolence.
We must prepare for parting and leave-taking
Or else remain the slave of permanence.
Even the hour of our death may send
Us speeding on to fresh and newer spaces,
And life may summon us to newer races.
So be it, heart: bid farewell without end.
-Stages by Herman Hesse


Neon Boneyard

(All photos via Les Yeux sans Visage)

      I am completely fascinated with the concept of The Neon Museum in Las Vegas. As the mission of the museum states, "The Neon Museum was established as a non-profit organization in 1996 to collect and exhibit neon signs, the classic Las Vegas art form". Old signs and the idea of a collection of abandoned things both just thrill me to no end. My family is actually working towards a visit to Las Vegas this winter and visiting this museum is now at the top of my list. 


On the Road

Tie dye blouse, (old) Forever 21. Polka dot shorts, LC by Lauren Conrad. Vintage woven leather belt and bag. Tan ankle booties, Target. DIY floral crown.

    These shorts are about the only thing I will wear while I'm traveling. Granted, the three hour drive down to Atlanta wouldn't even cause some to bat an eyelash, I still believe in being comfortable in the car. Especially because my house doesn't currently have air conditioning and sitting around in anything more than a sports bra and shorts just seems unbearable. 
      There's a lot going on in my life right now (and not in the "poor little fashion blogger" sense either), and amidst it I find myself wondering how much the way I dress really "matters"? As much as I love styling outfits and finding that perfect _______ (insert item here), going into the future means I really have to consider what it is that I want to "DO" when it comes to fashion. I can't sit around and type in excessive quotation marks and parenthetical interruptions forever, right? I know that clothing has the power to transform and express and all those other wonderful, confidence inducing verbs, but I know that I can be doing more than just posting my personal style on the internet.
      As always, thoughts on the issue are much appreciated. And don't worry, I'll keep posting. I can't stay away!

(Belated) Wise Words Wednesday

(via Ruche)

     This seems to be a fitting bit of advice for a day when I saw Moonrise Kingdom in Atlanta. Yesterday, I had honestly forgotten it was Wednesday until I got home around 11 at night. Either way, things that I want to accomplish in life could definitely use the added boost of positivity that this little gem gives. 


The Lavender Festival

Polka dot dress with lace collar, ModCloth. Sandals and fedora, Target. Woven leather belt and purse, vintage. Birdwatcher necklace, Frock Stock. Wayfarer sunglasses, Ray-Ban.

     This dress is the perfect thing to throw on for things like festivals and farmers' markets. A Christmas present from my dad's family, I had to wear it with tights all winter before I could truly appreciate how wonderful it has been as a warm weather piece as well. I didn't mean to match my nails to the flower of the day (the festival is pretty much in celebration of all things "lavender"), but they just so happened to go perfectly with the relaxing plant. Some find the scent overwhelming, but I have come to love the smell of lavender so much, that the bunch I bought at the celebration is currently sitting on my desk in my room. 
     In other news, I am currently in Atlanta with my mother on business. It's only a short jaunt, so it won't interrupt my regular posting schedule. But I finally get to see Moonrise Kingdom. Hopefully it will be worth the (over) 150 mile trip.

    P.S. If you haven't already, could you comment and vote for my entry into the Frock Stock Polyvore Challenge? Mine is entry number two. Thanks!


Sheer Perfection

Sheer tie blouse, Frock Stock. Bustier, DIY (from an old dress). Seersucker circle skirt, American Apparel. Tan ankle booties, Target. Leather briefcase purse, vintage. Skull earrings, local shop at Myrtle Beach. 

     I couldn't be happier that I used my discount from entering Frock Stock's Polyvore Challenge to order this top. It is just sheer enough to show off my bralettes and bustier tops (one of my favorite ways to be more subtle about showing some skin) and goes with just about everything in my wardrobe. It's hard to try to curb my purchases when I'm making money this summer, but this is one purchase that I know I won't regret. I highly suggest hopping on over to the Frock Stock store online to check it out, but hurry: there's only one left!
     Also, be sure to head on over to the voting page on Frock Stock's blog for the challenge I entered. I'm entry number two, but you can vote for two others as well. Thanks so much for your support!


Photo Diary, Weekend Edition

Goods at the local farmer's market.
Jackets made from vintage linens at a craft festival.
An old rusty bed that would be awesome in a garden.
An illustrator's gorgeous display.
The coolest toy kits/packaging ever.
A patch of lamb's ear, one of my favorite plants.
Finally got my hands on some macarons. 

     This past weekend was a great reminder of why I love living where I do. We have festivals every year to celebrate our origins as well as some seriously great local places in the surrounding cities. Although sometimes it seems backwards that we don't have an H&M or Urban Outfitters (there's only one in the state), I think my style only gets more creative because of this. I spent last weekend truly appreciating the little things that I love about where I live and getting some fun pictures out of my gratefulness. What did you do this weekend?

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