
Day & Night

     This weekend was full of sun filled strolls, making new friends, perfect temperatures, and great conversations. While the price of getting color film developed keeps getting steeper, I thought that getting the snapshots from this weekend processed and printed was well worth it. I took a whole roll featuring my favorite historic house that is across the street from Maryville campus. The shots during the day were taken from the front of the house (outfit details coming soon- I also shot digital). I took the sunset pictures below yesterday evening from the top of our stone stair case on campus. It gave me the perfect view of the beautiful sky as well as the house that I adore so much. 
     I feel reinvigorated in my love for photography and film. I'm hoping to be able to feature film snapshots in some form (color, black and white, instant) every week as my budget allows. I love sharing my digital snapshots and outfit pictures, but realistically I hardly ever print those out. This way I can get prints and share my pictures on the blog. Hope you enjoy!


  1. These pictures are so pretty!


  2. What a beautiful tree! sounds like a lovely day


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