
Lace and Layers

Utility coat, Target (last year's style). Lace shirt, Gianni Bini. Black and white lace skirt, Altar'd State (similar). White tights, Target. Manor Maryjane flats in beige, Marias USA. Pashmina scarf, World Market. Woven leather belt, thrifted.

     While bitterly cold days are often hard to manage when it comes to photographing outfits, I can usually still find some beauty in them. My hands ache so that only the car heater on full blast can thaw them out. My nose will sometimes get red and start dripping relentlessly. But I'm capturing the spirit of the season. I'll never be a shut in, even during the coldest months, because that would compromise my sense of adventure. Without the cold weather, I wouldn't be able to capture the moments below and then enjoy a steaming cup of hot chocolate in a hand decorated mug. I may have to remind myself of how much I love these little things next time I'm hating all the tights I own and just wanting to show some leg. But I think I can stay positive if it means more great memories to come.


  1. Cute! I love the layers, and that skirt is adorable!

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  2. You are adorable. Love these pics!

  3. These pictures are gorgeous! I am loving your jacket.

  4. great shots!! love the texture mixing and matching!! chic look!

    Click me for my NEW BLOG

  5. you have such amazing photos and outfits! following your blog now via bloglovin' =)

    hope you can check out mine




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