
Splurge vs. Save: Metal "boyfriend" watch

     If you have an internet connection, chances are you know what a "big deal" Michael Kors watches are. I'm not going to lie, I have fallen under the spell of the metal beauties after walking by a giant display of them in my local Dillard's. However, as someone who has depended on the same thirty dollar Timex watch for a year (before I received this one for Christmas), I would have a hard time shelling out the money for such a current and trendy item. While it is true that the materials and shapes of the watches make them true classics, I can never tell if I'm being overly influenced by what Tumblr dictates as popular at the moment. That being said, I'm also a sucker for instant gratification, meaning that I wouldn't blink and eye at getting a similar look for a lot less. 
     I'll probably hold off on snagging a metal "boyfriend" watch until I'm more firm in my decision, but I'd love to know what you would do: splurge or save?

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